The Backyard Pond

I am fabulously (past the limits of belief) in love with the great outdoors. God was so good to create all of this wonderful earth for us. Can you even begin to imagine what Heaven will be like? You know; His word says that in His Father's House are many mansions. In another part of His Word; He tells us that He goes to prepare a "place" for us. We can use our imaginations here. These are just my thoughts, but I would like to think of a beautiful pond with stepping stones and you can just hear the water gurggling as it flows down those stones.
The birds are fairly singing for joy, trying to outdo one another with their praise for God. As I meander down one of the woodsy paths, it takes my breath away to see the sunlight trickling down, splashing the forest floor with the warmth of its rays. As we sit down to visit on some old white wicker; we feel the whisper of a breeze as it gently kisses our brow. Was that a drone of a bee sipping on nectar, the song of the wiperwill and yes, in the distance the hunted love song of the turtle dove?
I do know one thing for sure...God is here! His presence is so overwhelming that it brings tears to my eyes.
I would love to invite anyone that would read this to feel welcomed to stop by. I believe each and everyone of us has problems, face trials, bear burdens that sometimes seem heavier than we can bear. His Word tells us to bear one anothers burdens and that is what I would like the Backyard Pond to be...a place to come and share, a place to come to encourage one another.
Would you meet me at the pond for a spot of tea and a visit? We can start by praising God for what He has done and let Him have His way in the remainder of our visit.



"Glorify ye the Lord in the fires." Isaiah 24:150

Have you ever been through the fires of afflication? Do you know the definition of afflication? Webster's Dictionary says it aptly well. Afflection: suffering, pain, mental suffering. The Lord allows us to face some things. We may be struggling with finantial difficulties and even though we know God will undertake and work it out; all these other little "foxes" come tearing in. Sickness strikes, perhaps long term. Our children may go through things of their own which causes our hearts to break. "Oh, long"?
Not a one of the above is a stranger to me. I must share of a testimony that I was priviledged to hear. Is it not heartening to see some precious one who just has to be broken in body, but who retains the splendor of an unbroken patience? What a witness all this offers to His wonderful grace! Our God was certainly glorified in this. This precious one has been through so much and still; there is a song in her heart.
No matter what my dear and precious family and friends may be facing in this amazing day of "falling away", we need to just hold onto the Lord's hand real tight like. He won't let go...thank God, He won't let go! my friend encouraged me with her testimony, that in turn glorified our God. He is my all in all.
Remember..."Glorify ye the Lord in the fires."



Sunday, May 17, 2009


I'm a novice, a greenhorn, a newcomer...In other words, I am a BEGINNER. They tell us that you can't teach a dog new tricks. I didn't use to believe that but after trying to do my own blog; I've become a fan of whom ever said that saying above. I'm not really an "old dog" but I am retired. Before retiring, I counted it amazing that I was able to "catch on" to the new ways of doing various things at my work. However, something took place in the past two years. I can not seem to understand like I use to. Is it age? Anyways, I am discouraged dear blogger friends and family. I need help in "putting things in the order that I want them to be" on my blog! I it too much to ask that a picture of a creek would come before a bit of a few words about said picture? I just can't seem to get on to it. I need help!

To be rich in God is better than to be rich in goods.

Giving is a thermometer of our love.

No one is poor who by prayer can open the storehouse of God.

Money can't buy happiness...unless you spend it on somebody else.

Saturday, May 16, 2009

I'm pretty sure this picture of a creek does not look much like a pond...unless you can picture the creek that runs through the wooded area near your property as it meanders along over rocks and crevices and settles in a small pool before flowing on. But...wait! My back yard pond is an imaginary place and this creek is real! I'm listening to a song on my playlist, "Take Me To Your Sacred Place". I love the outdoors, the smells of the newness of this time of the year, the sound of water as it wanders and winds through a secluded wood. "Draw me, draw me, to your sacred place". This is truly a time to worship Him, the maker of all things...yes, even this bit of quietness.

Life is a fill in the picture.

Your life is God's gift to you; what you do with it is your gift to God.

Live your life carefully...there are no reruns.

This is prime time! Life is in session now. There will be no reruns.

Thursday, May 7, 2009


One of the strongest virtues is kindness.

Gentle words fall lightly, but they have great weight.

A beautiful heart seems to transform the homeliest face.

Kind words are music to a broken heart.

Monday, May 4, 2009


As I was having my quiet time alone with the Lord this morning, I was made aware of several things. Actually, have you ever read certain things in the Bible? and re-read them over the years and then all of a sudden, ; the Lord speaks and brings light to a verse that you had read time and again?
As I was reading the Lord's Prayer (the model prayer) and wanting to glean something new, I realized that Jesus never allowed great difficulties or pressing duties to cause Him to neglect prayer. He was pressed with labors and surrounded by crowds, but "He rose up a great while before day" to engage in secret prayer. Since Jesus needed frequent and secret prayer, how much more do we?
The main thought I wanted to bring out is...we are living life in the fast lane. We are busy with this and rushed to do that. There never seems to be enough time in a day to accomplish what we desire to carry out. Jesus was busy too! However, He took time (many times) throughout each day to get alone with His Heavenly Father. His day was bathed in prayer.
I do know that when I give the Lord a portion of my day...things just go better. I seem to have more time...yep! The day seems longer to work at the many things I have lined up.
I want to take the above thoughts to my Back Yard share with a friend, to ponder, to study God's Word.

If Christ is the Way, we waste time traveling any other.

The Bread of Life never becomes stale.

We are never alone when we are alone with Jesus.

The Light of the World knows no power failures.