The Backyard Pond

I am fabulously (past the limits of belief) in love with the great outdoors. God was so good to create all of this wonderful earth for us. Can you even begin to imagine what Heaven will be like? You know; His word says that in His Father's House are many mansions. In another part of His Word; He tells us that He goes to prepare a "place" for us. We can use our imaginations here. These are just my thoughts, but I would like to think of a beautiful pond with stepping stones and you can just hear the water gurggling as it flows down those stones.
The birds are fairly singing for joy, trying to outdo one another with their praise for God. As I meander down one of the woodsy paths, it takes my breath away to see the sunlight trickling down, splashing the forest floor with the warmth of its rays. As we sit down to visit on some old white wicker; we feel the whisper of a breeze as it gently kisses our brow. Was that a drone of a bee sipping on nectar, the song of the wiperwill and yes, in the distance the hunted love song of the turtle dove?
I do know one thing for sure...God is here! His presence is so overwhelming that it brings tears to my eyes.
I would love to invite anyone that would read this to feel welcomed to stop by. I believe each and everyone of us has problems, face trials, bear burdens that sometimes seem heavier than we can bear. His Word tells us to bear one anothers burdens and that is what I would like the Backyard Pond to be...a place to come and share, a place to come to encourage one another.
Would you meet me at the pond for a spot of tea and a visit? We can start by praising God for what He has done and let Him have His way in the remainder of our visit.



"Glorify ye the Lord in the fires." Isaiah 24:150

Have you ever been through the fires of afflication? Do you know the definition of afflication? Webster's Dictionary says it aptly well. Afflection: suffering, pain, mental suffering. The Lord allows us to face some things. We may be struggling with finantial difficulties and even though we know God will undertake and work it out; all these other little "foxes" come tearing in. Sickness strikes, perhaps long term. Our children may go through things of their own which causes our hearts to break. "Oh, long"?
Not a one of the above is a stranger to me. I must share of a testimony that I was priviledged to hear. Is it not heartening to see some precious one who just has to be broken in body, but who retains the splendor of an unbroken patience? What a witness all this offers to His wonderful grace! Our God was certainly glorified in this. This precious one has been through so much and still; there is a song in her heart.
No matter what my dear and precious family and friends may be facing in this amazing day of "falling away", we need to just hold onto the Lord's hand real tight like. He won't let go...thank God, He won't let go! my friend encouraged me with her testimony, that in turn glorified our God. He is my all in all.
Remember..."Glorify ye the Lord in the fires."



Wednesday, April 8, 2009

The Backyard Pond is a wonderful place to come and visit. That was my intentions when I began this blog. However, I happen to live in the northwoods of Pa. and spring hasn't fully arrived. In fact, we had snow yesterday, I believe about 2". I thought the verse was..."April showers bring May flowers". Do you know that God knows what we have need of and so I am thankful for the moisture in whatever way He deems fit to send it.
If I were out in the wooded area that surrounds our little town, my heart (and feet) would be leading me to a path that I had not been on before. Of course; I would have a favorite friend with me, perhaps 2 or 3. We can sence the "feel" of Spring that is in the air. Even though it's a tad chilly today, the sun on our backs is just wonderful! It will be grand to take this path again...once the leaves and ground foilage fills out. Can't wait for those wild flowers to bloom and perfume this forest. Is that a tinkle of water we hear? Awww! It's not our backyard pond but it looks so restful. Let's sit on these larger rocks for a bit and visit.
I have a poem I'd like to share written by one of my favorite poets, Annie Johnson Flint.

"When thou passest through the waters, deep the waves may be and cold,
But Jehovah is our refuge, And His promise is our hold;
For the Lord himself has said it, He, the faithful God and true;
When thou comest to the waters
Thou shalt not go down, BUT THROUGH."

"Seas of sorrow, seas of trial, Bitterest anguish, fiercest pain,
Rolling surges of temptation, Seeping over heart and brain...
They shall never overflow us, For we know His Word is true.
All His waves and all His billows...He will lead us safely through."

"Threating breakers of destruction, Doubts insidious undertow,
Shall not sink us, shall not drag us, out to oceans depths of woe;
For His promice shall sustain us, Praise the Lord, whose Word is true!
We shall not go down or under, For He saith, "Thou Passest THROUGH."

1 comment:

  1. Hello Nancy, This is your sister and I wanted to let you know that I just LOVE your Blog! It's so inventive and creative! I love the stories, the poems, the great recipes! :) You've done a great job and I pray many people come to visit. I felt as though I were walking with you this morning through the woods and feeling the gorgeous spring breeze. nice! Can't wait for those wildflowers myself, those are my favorite flowers you know! Keep up the great work and I'm sure many will find your site warm and inspiring. I love you always & forever, Donna
